Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh Nuts!

So, Sister First Born tells me that peanuts are full of yeast and mold and should not be consumed in any form.  Wait!  Mixed nuts are my go-to snack, my defense at the office, and the low-carb-savior-in-a-snack-bag lurking in the bottom of my purse.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I love other nuts, but on a budget those peanuts and mixed nuts fit in well.  On top of it, Sweetie and Only Child love peanut butter. 

Now, my change in dietary lifestyle included a promise to myself that I would not try to force my family into changing their lifestyles by some kind of I-am-the-goddess-of-all-things-consumed-in-this-house complex.  So, I only inform, and right now I’m not sure about this nutty information.  But, since I’ll give most things a try, I’ve dropped peanuts from the plate.  That, my dear reader, has led to almonds—truly my favorites.  Hence today’s experiment: almond butter.

I’ve read here and there about making your own butters, and it all seems pretty easy:  put it in a good blender, blend the heck out of it, enjoy.  That was pretty much the way of things with huge emphasis on the “blend the heck out of it” part. 

So, I started with my Magic Bullet.  No money rolling in here yet, but I love my Magic Bullet!  I use it pretty much on a daily basis.  Thanks to First Born Sister, I now even have the blender attachment.  (Got my Bullet at the big box without it.)  Thanks, First Born Sister!   But I ride my horse Tangent here.

I used both of the blades—the blend and grind one. 

I started with 1 cup of almonds and the blending blade—the one with the edges that stick up.

I blended that until it was almond meal.

Then I changed to the grinding blade.  I blended.  I shook the blender.  I took a break.  (It gets really hot.)

I took the top off and used a knife to chop it up and loosen it from the sides.

I blended some more.  I loosened it up some more.  I blended some more.  I loosened it up some more.  I let it cool down.  It gets hot!

I blended some more.  And some more.  And some more!  I added a drizzle of canola oil.  I blended some more, stopping occasionally because I didn’t want to kill my Bullet.  I blended some more.  Finally, I got this:
Good stuff?  Yeah!  Worth the effort?  Well, if I’m the only one eating it, probably so.  I don’t  eat peanut butter much, and I don’t think almond butter would be very different.  When I make low carb peanut butter fudge, what will I do?  Probably find an almond  butter with good reviews on the market and buy a jar of that. 

In short, good stuff, but lots of blending and more wear and tear on the Bullet than I was comfortable with.

Still, it is probably worth a try!  It was tasty with banana bread muffin mess-ups from the banana bread post day.  I sprinkled a little sweetener and cinnamon on them. 

Here are some links on peanuts and the creepies they carry:

Check out these articles on the problems with peanut butter, and then decide for yourself.

7/3/12 Update:  We're liking the almond butter better and better.  It's great on the banana bread--or any variation you make of that.  Wonderful on my favorite chocolate cake, and  that recipe's coming soon!

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